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The Bowlby Centre Community Resource Student Handbook Member Handbook This new edition of the The Bowlby Centre handbook has been rewritten and reordered to reflect the developments at The Centre and the way we are growing and developing and achieving our vision. The Handbook seeks to help everyone

The Organisation of The Centre

How the Bowlby Centre is organised As a voluntary organisation the functioning of The Bowlby Centre depends on the various contributions each one of us makes. There are jobs and tasks to suit everyone’s different talents, from working on the groups and committees covering our various areas of work: teaching, management and administration, research ,

Referrals and Dedicated Projects at The Bowlby Centre

Referrals at The Bowlby Centre The Bowlby Centre offers an attachment-based relational psychotherapy service. This is made up of The Blues Project which is designed to offer low cost therapy. People being seen in therapy in the Blues Project agree to a contract which offers them twice weekly therapy usually with a student working under

CRB Checks

Criminal Records Bureau Checks All students are required to have an up to date enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. In some instances (dependent on time elapsed and on a case by case basis) you may be able to use checks that have already been undertaken. You will need to have sent in your application

Becoming a Registered Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (RAPP)

Becoming a Registered Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (RAPP) Criteria for Registration In order to register as a registered member and be a registered member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, The Bowlby Centre has to be satisfied that a person is safe to practise as an Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (RAPP) taking responsibility for their

The role and guidelines of the UKCP

The role and guidelines of the UKCP The Bowlby Centre is a member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) which produced the first register of psychotherapists in 1993. The UKCP is the validating body that registers those who are competent to practice as psychotherapists in the United Kingdom. It is made up of

The Practice of Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

The Practice of Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy The Practice of Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy aims to: provide a sufficiently secure base to enable a person to explore emotional experiences of the past and the present Attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapy sets out to repair the capacity to regulate affects. Where this capacity has been damaged by trauma it is

Vision Mission and Values

Our Philosophy, Vision, Mission and Values: valuing difference and diversity Philosophy Our belief is that attachment theory based psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a positive and valuable contribution to the world. Attachment relationships affect all aspects of people’s internal and external lives. This starts with our earliest childhood experiences which shape us emotionally and physically, forming

Introduction to the Bowlby Centre

Introducing you to the The Bowlby Centre The Bowlby Centre is a group of people committed to the development of attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapy. We offer: a referral service and low fee clinic for those seeking psychotherapeutic help supplementary training and development to promote and develop attachment-based practice for trained psychotherapy practitioners and other professionals a

Policy Statement on the Recruitment of ex-offenders

The Bowlby Centre Policy Statement on the Recruitment of ex-offenders As an organisation using the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure service to assess applicants’ suitability for positions of trust, The Bowlby Centre complies fully with the CRB Code of Practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly. It undertakes not to discriminate unfairly